About Us
Our Story
Our story stretches back 4 generations to one Beachburg family’s experience with deafness. Andrea’s great-grandfather, pictured above with her grandfather outside of their harness shop in Beachburg, was profoundly hearing impaired. He was accidentally killed while walking along the train tracks. From the time her grandfather told her the story, she knew she wanted to educate people about hearing and the impact of hearing loss.
That desire became a profession and has further blossomed into a well-established, independent audiology clinic with highly experienced and knowledgeable audiologists and support staff who also have family roots in the Valley. It is our heritage to understand the need for excellent local hearing care, getting value for your dollar, flexibility in delivering service, and doing what it takes to improve the lives of our families.

Meet Our Staff
Our team has been growing over the years. Each one of us comes to our profession with a unique story. Get to know us better here.
Our Location
Heritage Hearing Care was founded in 1998 after the passing of Murray Fraser, a well-loved local hearing aid dispenser. Andrea Graham had been serving as an audiologist with Dr. Jeff Jones, the local ENT specialist. Faye Larocque had been working for Murray. We pooled our complementary skills and carried on Murray’s tradition of service.
Originally, we were located in the Lakeside Medical Centre, but soon outgrew our space. In 2005, we moved to “Dr. Munroe’s” former house on the corner of Pembroke and Agnes Streets. The building had seen better days, but we have been working on it, bit by bit, to restore some of its former glory. The stairway in the lobby is a beautiful example of the skills of the craftsmen of the 1800s. You must come to see it.
At the end of 2011, we finished renovating the former “taxi stand” to provide a second office, a larger test booth, as well as an education room. The timing could not have been better. When the Marianhill Audiology Clinic closed in 2012, we were able to welcome Audiologists, Tamara McBurney and Terri Selle. With the additional space and talent, we have been able to expand services into outreach clinics.
What Makes Us Different?
- We are local people. You are probably a relative, friend, neighbour, or one of the people we rely on for products and services in our area. We aim to treat you the way we want to be treated.
- We are not a chain. We are independent and locally owned. We are able to offer patient-focused, family-centred services to address your needs and those of your family. We are flexible and can source the best solutions available for your needs.
- We value hearing. We know that it contributes to your health and well-being. We want you to get value for your dollar from our services and the products you purchase from us. We strive to be honest about the benefits of our care and fair with our pricing.
- We believe in education for ourselves and our clients. Our audiologists have decades of experience assessing hearing and providing solutions for listening and communication needs. We are constantly learning new things and believe that it is important for you to acquire knowledge and skills to improve your quality of life.
- We are part of the community. We participate in the events that add lustre to lives like the Paddle Festival and Friends for Life International, a Pembroke based charity that has fostered a connection with the people of Yamasa, Dominican Republic for decades. One of our audiologists was awarded the Moneca Price Humanitarian Award for participation in the Audiology in Yamasa, a project which brings hearing assistance to local people where no services had previously existed. Your support of our work here brings joy to others.